As a former paving contractor in greater Vancouver B.C. Canada, I was in need of a solution to a long standing nagging problem. Since it was necessary to cordon off each completed job, I grew tired of the time consuming and costly task of returning to each job at a later date to pick up my rubber and plastic cones which were too expensive to leave behind. I knew that there had to be a better way and decided to look for a disposable cone that could be left instead. It turned out that there was nothing even close to what I needed, so I decided to make my own from scratch.
It had to be inexpensive, biodegradable, recyclable, easy to use, have a built-in cavity to add anchor weight and lots of room for printing. Corrugated cardboard was the perfect material to use and after some tweaking, I arrived at the design you see today. After each job, I would set them up for my customers and tell them when they can be removed. They were an immediate hit with my paying customers who got them free and I got plenty of free advertising - a win-win product!
It had to be inexpensive, biodegradable, recyclable, easy to use, have a built-in cavity to add anchor weight and lots of room for printing. Corrugated cardboard was the perfect material to use and after some tweaking, I arrived at the design you see today. After each job, I would set them up for my customers and tell them when they can be removed. They were an immediate hit with my paying customers who got them free and I got plenty of free advertising - a win-win product!